The first sign of coming holiday is St Nicholas Day on December 6th. On this day St. Nicholas ”Świety Mikołaj” comes to our houses, schools and brings sweets and toys. Children who were bad this year receive twigs called “rózga” as a punishment. It`s not so serious just kind of warning J

We have Christmas supper on Christmas Eve. It is called “Wigilia” We start the supper when the first star appears in the sky. Before supper we break and share a thin wafer called ”opłatek” with whole family. We wish each other fulfilment of their wishes.
Then we sit at a table, which is covered with white table cloth. There is some hay underneath to remind that Baby Jesus was born in stable. 
sharing opłatek
Christmas Eve menu
Under the Christmas tree there are presents for whole family, it is always fun to open them. We sing “kolędy” carols. We believe that our animals can speak on Christmas Eve and we listen carefully to our dogs and cats.
Carolers are visiting houses singing and playing instruments or even giving small nativity performance. Please have a look at the example of Polish traditional carol and see some carolers.
Young boys wearing costumes of King Herod, an Angel, Devil, Death, Wild Ox etc. walk from house to house They sing carols and get some money. They are called "kolędnicy"At midnight, people go to “pasterka” Midnight Mass. In the church there is “szopka” which displays St Mary, St Joseph , baby Jesus, shepherds and animals.
On Christmas Day and St Stephans we visit our family and have a big dinner.
Wesołych Świat Bożego Narodzenia!
Some cards made by pupils in Poland for their friends in Europe.