On tuesdaymorning 23rd of November all toddlers came to school dressed as Black servants (zwarte Pieten). We organized a special "Pietenmorning" for them. During the morning the children do a lot of activities, just like the real "zwarte Pieten". For example climbing and sliding, building a chimney of wooden and coloured blocks, throwing presents through the chimney, baking gingerbread cookies and dancing the "Pietendance". They also make a special "pietenhat", they drink lemonade and listen to a story about the horse of Sinterklaas. The horse is white and his name is Amerigo. All Dutch children know that.
At the end of the morning, all little "Pieten" are very tired and go home satisfied.
On Friday 3rd of december Sinterklaas and his Zwarte Pieten will come to our school and bring a visit to every class. There will be a present for all the children.