
Our last Comenius meeting in Artés - GRÀCIES

It`s sad but true.Our Comenius project is nearly complete. Last week in Artés we met for the last time. At least as Comenius team since we hope our friendship will last... It was a great meeting, lovely prepared by our dear hosts. Special thanks to Paquita - a coordinator of Dr Ferrer School and Pepita the headmistress. But also the lovely teachers: Monte, Sonia, Eloi, Rosa, Ester, Montse, Cristina,Sara, Nuria, Pilar, Elisabet, Anna, Josep, Jaume, Maria, Marta, Carme, Carlos, Francesca, Alicia, Elena, Gemma, Ernest ...it was great to meet you and be with you at work and in fun. Here are some photos to remind all about activities we took part in. Please visit our photo link to find more pictures.

Our visit to Catalonia we started with Barcelona - at the Museu Naciolal d`Art de Catalunya

Admiring Antonio Gaudi

Sant Benet de Bages

Traditional Dance 

Project work 

Meeting pupils

Sport Day
Meeting with major Josep Candaliga i Freixa

Meeting education authorities
Trying traditional food


At INS Miquel Bosch i Jover in Artes

At Escolania de Montserrat

Dancing in a square

Festa - 
Eating Pa amb tomàquet and botifarra