Shrove Monday in Artés
This week we celebrated “Shrove Monday” every day. Yes, every morning pupils came to school wearing or bringing something related to a fairy tale:
On Monday there was the Little Red Riding Hood’s Day…
Tuesday was The Three Little Pigs’ Day
Wednesday was Cinderela’s Day
Thursday was The Tiny Tom’s Day
And Friday was La Rateta que escombrava l’escaleta’s Day.
Pupils had fun every day by seeing how everyone was dressed or what they brought.
On Friday, the “dress” was organized by the school about a Catalan traditional tale: “La Rateta que escombrava l’escaleta”… look at the power point…
“””On Shrove Monday, every year pupils from Dr Ferrer school in Artés go to
the forest to play and have lunch… see more in the power point.”””